Qualitas Insurance Company Selects Guidewire InsuranceNow to Increase Business Agility for Business Growth

Qualitas Insurance Company Selects Guidewire InsuranceNow to Increase Business Agility for Business Growth

U.S. division of largest auto insurer in Mexico to leverage core operations and predictive analytics in the cloud
SAN DIEGO and SAN MATEO, Calif., 25 ottobre 2021

Qualitas Insurance Company (Qualitas) and Guidewire Software, Inc. (NYSE: GWRE) today announced that Qualitas has selected InsuranceNow and Predictive Analytics to improve customer service and grow its business.

“We selected InsuranceNow to modernize our systems and improve the service we provide to our partners and customers. Out of all the systems we evaluated, InsuranceNow was the best in meeting our requirements, especially with its value-added capabilties,” said Qualitas Chief Executive Officer Eduardo Pedrero. “Also, our business is centered on using historical experience to adequately price future risks. Guidewire Predictive Analytics will enable us to incorporate ‘intelligent’ insights into our underwriting process, offering us an important competitive advantage in the trucking insurance market.”

Qualitas Chief Information Officer Gustavo Guadalupe added, “The cloud and all-in-one aspects of InsuranceNow were critical to our decision-making, as they will help simplify our IT operations by shifting maintenance and support to Guidewire so our staff can focus on the mission-critical business objectives that will accelerate our growth. With InsuranceNow, we will now have a single source of truth for data management to improve information and process workflows, and we will be able to take advantage of Guidewire’s latest technology and innovation and enhance our business continuity strategy.”

“We are pleased to welcome Qualitas to the Guidewire customer community,” said Guidewire Software Chief Sales Officer Frank O’Dowd. “We admire the company’s mission of protecting its customers’ assets and minimizing their risk by providing specialized insurance products designed to meet and exceed their insureds’ needs and expectations.”

About Qualitas Insurance Company

Qualitas Insurance Company (QIC) is a company specialized in auto insurance. Formed in 2014, QIC began operations offering the Cross-Border Program for commercial vehicles entering the United States from Mexico, before expanding its business lines to include domestic commercial auto and personal auto.

QIC’s rapid growth is grounded primarily on the success of its business model, which places an emphasis on forming and maintaining relationships based on mutual trust with the company’s insureds, producers, suppliers and employees, seeking to align the interests of all participants. QIC has also benefited from having a unique position in the auto insurance industry, as it is one of the few companies specialized solely in auto insurance lines. This specialization has been key in developing the expertise which has propelled QIC to the forefront of the auto insurance market.

QIC’s parent company, Quálitas Compañía de Seguros, S.A. de C.V., is a Mexico-based insurance company founded in 1993 specializing in auto insurance. Quálitas is the Latin word for Quality, which is not only the company’s commercial name but the driving force within the organization, through which the company has risen to become the leading auto insurance carrier in Mexico.

For more information, visit www.qualitasinsurance.com.

Guidewire Software

Guidewire è la piattaforma su cui le compagnie d'assicurazione del ramo danni (P&C) fanno affidamento per generare engagement, innovare e crescere in maniera profittevole. Combiniamo digitale, sistemi core, analytics e machine learning per offrire la nostra piattaforma come servizio cloud (SaaS). Oltre 540 compagnie assicuratrici in 40 Paesi, a partire dalle start up fino ad arrivare alle imprese più grandi e complesse del mondo, utilizzano Guidewire.

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