Driving Insurance Innovation: TrueMotion

  • Laura Drabik

January 29, 2018

Because FOMO

definition: /FO-MO/ - Fear Of Missing Out. Anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media or incoming text messages on your phone.

is a real thing.


TrueMotion is a smartphone-based telematics solution. Its solution can be used by carriers to support usage-based insurance (UBI), crash detection and driver scoring, and -- most importantly -- detect distracted driving.

Their Value Proposition

TrueMotion assert that what differentiates them from other telematics solutions is their data accuracy. It has filed 32 patents for its solution to ensure the integrity of the data it captures. Below are the smartphone features it uses to capture data, which can be used for pricing and rating.

Based on the way the phone is being held or tilted, it can determine if that person holding the smartphone owner is a driver or passenger in the vehicle.

It provides notifications & alerts on driving behavior post trip, and are currently beta testing on-demand audio alerts to drivers.

The Opportunity

Imagine being able to detect granular distracted driving behavior like swiping, typing, handheld phone calls, etc., and then being able to price a policy based on that behavior.

TrueMotion is currently serving eight of the top 20 carriers and recently joined our PartnerConnect community.