Corporate Sustainability at Guidewire
Corporate Sustainability at Guidewire
“Our focus remains to create a company and culture that people are proud to be part of, and to support the property and casualty (P&C) industry that is critical to our world’s future prosperity.”
- Mike Rosenbaum, Chief Executive Officer
Leading with Purpose: FY23 Highlights and Achievements
Leading with Purpose: FY23 Highlights and Achievements
Employees participated in our Annual Employee Engagement Survey
Global employee participation in our Guidewire Gives Back program - a 4.5% increase since last year
Gender hires for our US internship program
Employees participated in Work from (almost) Anywhere on Earth program across more than 60 countries
Of our energy came from renewable sources
Total pieces of electronic equipment recycled
Governance and Ethics
We foster trust and integrity by building and evolving corporate governance and compliance frameworks that support transparency, risk management, ethical conduct, and accountability.
Security and Data Privacy
As a company that delivers products as a cloud service, Guidewire takes a comprehensive approach to the governance of information and physical security and data privacy. As we grow our business and invest in the infrastructure, personnel, best practices and policies required to protect the data entrusted to us, we embrace a security and privacy first mindset.
Responsible Sourcing and Procurement
We are committed to evolving our Supplier Sustainability and Supplier Diversity programs, holding our suppliers accountable to the same high ESG standards to which we hold ourselves.
Governance Topics
- Governance and Ethics
- Security and Data Privacy
- Responsible Sourcing and Procurement
Trust and integrity are the bedrock of Guidewire culture.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)
We promote a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at all levels of the organization, across the employee lifecycle, and with both business partners and local communities.
Talent Management
We’re committed to attracting and retaining our talented hybrid workforce by creating an environment of teamwork, collaboration, and continuous feedback. The nature of work continues to evolve, and staying on the forefront means giving employees opportunities for personal and professional development.
Guidewire Gives Back (GGB)
GGB is a program centered around employee engagement and making a measurable impact through both the hours volunteered by our Guidewire community and financial contributions. GGB strategy, programs, and collaborative partnerships reflect Guidewire employees’ passions while supporting our corporate mission.
Social Topics
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Talent Management
- Guidewire Gives Back
At Guidewire, innovation thrives at the nexus of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Early Innovators Challenge with CNA / Guidewire / Thurgood Marshall College Fund (Chicago, USA)
Harvest Hope GGB event (Guidewire US)
Our key environmental sustainability initiatives include:
Emissions Reduction
- Setting and making progress on emission reduction goals based on climate science
- Introducing innovations and efficiencies in our operations
- Incorporating sustainability throughout our value chain
- Empowering our employees in sustainable efforts
Climate Resilience
- Building resilience by assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities
Climate Goals
- Reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 50% by fiscal year 2030 compared to our fiscal year 2020 baseline;
- Source renewable energy for 100% of our global power needs annually by fiscal year 2030;
- Develop a Green Fund to finance internal emission reduction initiatives and critical external climate mitigation projects;
- Reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from fuel and energy related activities, business travel, and employee commuting by 42% by fiscal year 2030 compared to our fiscal year 2020 baseline; and
- Engage with 50% of suppliers by emissions so that they have SBTs by fiscal year 2028.
Guidewire has committed to setting science-based targets.
GGB event - Clean Coasts Ireland (Dublin, IE)
Product Sustainability
Product Sustainability both complements and spans our E,S, and G pillars and also maps to the following four ESG topics: Climate Resilience, Emissions and Energy, Greater Access to Insurance, and Security and Data Privacy.
Outside of delivering on our enterprise climate goals, we are helping our clients deliver on their sustainability goals through: